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odraz / reflection

By osobníNo Comments


Čím dál tím víc se mi líbí Štěpánovy fotky. Není to zatím nic světoborného, ale občas se mu něco povede. Třeba tato fotka. Trošku jsem ji upravil, ale ten odraz pokoje v zrcadle je pěkný :-) Asi ho v tom začnu ještě víc podporovat. Třeba se v něm skrývá fotograf :-)

I like Steven’s photographs more and more. It is not world class yet but sometimes he succeeds. For example this picture. I modified it a little, but the reflection of his room is nice :-) I might start to support him in that more. It might by some photographer hidden in him :-)


By personalNo Comments

Misa recently read Bible with Steven and talked about obedience and Steven had very clear point regarding the topic

Misa: When God tels us something we have to be obedient and do what He says
Steven: Well, when He says that so we have to go to shop and buy some toy.

children’s logic

By personalOne Comment

Sunday evening…

me: Steven, if you poo tomorow to your diper you are not going to have milk!
Steven: ok

Monday morning…

me: Steven, what’s in your pants?
Steven: poo
me: so let’s wash your behind, but you are not getting the milk as I said yesterday!
Steven: well after we was my behind I am getting the milk!
me: No you aren’t!!
Steven: well I am, if there’s no poo in diper than I am having the milk…

children’s logic has got me again…

gender in life

By personalNo Comments

Today’s gender conversation of Misa and Steven

Štěpán: We are boys with Michael and you are girls.
Míša: Oh yeh, somebody is boy and somebody is girl.
Štěpán: And somebody is shoe and somebody pants.

autoportrét / self-portrait

By osobníOne Comment


Štěpán mě nepřestává překvapovat. Toto je jeho dnešní autoportrét. Má opravdu velice bujnou fantazii a to se mi líbí.

Steven still surprises me. This is his today’s self-portrait. He has really huge fantasy and I like it.