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odvážná modlitba

By křesťanstvíOne Comment

V Bibli v knize Skutků je jedna velice odvážná modlitba – minimálně v souvislosti s tím za jakých okolností byla pronesena.

Tady je její závěr.

Skutky 4:29-31

29 Pohleď nyní na jejich výhrůžky, Hospodine, a dej svým služebníkům, ať mluví tvé slovo se vší smělostí. 30 Vztahuj svou ruku k uzdravování a dej, ať se ve jménu tvého svatého služebníka Ježíše dějí divy a zázraky!” 31 Místo, na kterém se shromáždili, se po jejich modlitbě zatřáslo. Všichni byli naplněni Duchem svatým a začali směle mluvit Boží slovo.

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why do bad things happen

By videoNo Comments

Toto je záznam z bohoslužby sboru New Spring Church. Moc se mi líbí ty dva příběhy (začíná to na 25:00 pokud to nechcete sledovat celé), které jsou v rámci této bohoslužby promítnuty – je to jen v angličtině, ale i tak je to hodně srozumitelné a to poselství mě fakt dostává…

This is the sermon from New Spring Church. I really like those two stories (it starts at 25:00 if you do not want to watch it all) which are presented in that service – it just in English but though it is understandable and the message of it really got me…

attractivity of the church I

By christianityNo Comments
I have been thinking about this topic for a very long time, because I guess that it is good to ask, if the stuff that we do is attractive enough for the people that are around us. I think that it is necessary to divide this topic to two parts because it works in two levels:
  1. the attractivity of the form the information are communicated with
  2. the attractivity of content of that communication

The external form (look out) is according to my opinion important for the first impression which it evokes in the people. It can either discourage them or draw their attention. In that case it is crucial. Read More

bad memory

By christianity, personalNo Comments

As I wrote before I am reading through the Bible form the beginning to the end. I would like to make it in 180 days which is quite challenging, but on the other side it gives you wider perspective.

Since I’ve started I was quite caught by passages about the topic of kids that did not follow the faitha of their ancestors after they grown. This is mentioned on several places.

Judges 2:10Judges 2:191st Kings 11:6

How did it happen? Did the kids have that short memory? Did they have so little information?

It seams to be combination of both and many other stuff for sure. And to be honest, I am kind of scared, because I am the parent too.
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through Bible in 180 days

By christianity, personalOne Comment

It is exactly 33 days today since I have decided that I will read the entire Bible in 180 days directly from the beginning to the end. It is quite challenging, but I have to admit that I am touched by things that I have never seen there before, so during that time I’ll post some actual thoughts… they have started to stack…

I have realized that I should do that more often. Do not be stucked on one spot or theme but rather see the things from the wider perspective… so I guess that it’s gonna be continues process…

And what about you?

way to Ceske Budejovice

By osobníNo Comments


This is how my train’s compartment looked like in my way to Ceske Budejovice, where I went to seminar about passive houses. Czech Railways have their trains remaining the same on their less busy routes…

Nevertheless the way was really inspirational. I read book “Bringing up Boys”, I went through 20 chapters of Deuteronomy, but I also got to know a lot from live of college students, because there were two girls from the University of South Bohemia the whole time and their hearts were really full of everything. They didn’t close their mouths till Jihlava (2,5 hours)…

Hopefully they are going to past the exams and they are going to break up with their boyfriends, because as I recommended them that is the only possible thing to do after all they said about them…

Life is not easy…