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By christianityNo Comments

According to the scriptures from Bible mentioned below I assume that the stuff I do should have some sort of quality. I don’t do tham just for fun. But I don’t do them for myself. I don’t do them even for the parents. I don’t do them for my bos at work at all. I don’t do them for my wife.

They should have quality because I do them because of God. Because of what He did for me. Because of the knowledge that I’ve been saved. Because of that evrything I have comes from Hi. I will not hide. I will not make any excues. I will confess everything once. What my results will be?

1.Cor 10:31 … so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God…

Col 3:23-24 … work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ…

God’s power

By christianityNo Comments

Three following scriptures from Bible really got me. Our Christianity, our life style with God should have something extra. Something that nobody and nothing else could offer. Something that is not seen that much on the first sight but sooner or later it is revealed. We need God’s power. Power of the Holy Spirit. His fullness.

Without it we are just another ordinary group of people which comes together and sings together and listens to interesting information but that’s it.

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audacious prayer

By christianityNo Comments

There is one very audacious prayer in the Bible in the book of Acts – at least in the context of the circumstances it was prayed.

Here is the end of it.

Acts 4:29-31

29 And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. 30 Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” 31 After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.

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odvážná modlitba

By křesťanstvíOne Comment

V Bibli v knize Skutků je jedna velice odvážná modlitba – minimálně v souvislosti s tím za jakých okolností byla pronesena.

Tady je její závěr.

Skutky 4:29-31

29 Pohleď nyní na jejich výhrůžky, Hospodine, a dej svým služebníkům, ať mluví tvé slovo se vší smělostí. 30 Vztahuj svou ruku k uzdravování a dej, ať se ve jménu tvého svatého služebníka Ježíše dějí divy a zázraky!” 31 Místo, na kterém se shromáždili, se po jejich modlitbě zatřáslo. Všichni byli naplněni Duchem svatým a začali směle mluvit Boží slovo.

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why do bad things happen

By videoNo Comments

Toto je záznam z bohoslužby sboru New Spring Church. Moc se mi líbí ty dva příběhy (začíná to na 25:00 pokud to nechcete sledovat celé), které jsou v rámci této bohoslužby promítnuty – je to jen v angličtině, ale i tak je to hodně srozumitelné a to poselství mě fakt dostává…

This is the sermon from New Spring Church. I really like those two stories (it starts at 25:00 if you do not want to watch it all) which are presented in that service – it just in English but though it is understandable and the message of it really got me…

attractivity of the church I

By christianityNo Comments
I have been thinking about this topic for a very long time, because I guess that it is good to ask, if the stuff that we do is attractive enough for the people that are around us. I think that it is necessary to divide this topic to two parts because it works in two levels:
  1. the attractivity of the form the information are communicated with
  2. the attractivity of content of that communication

The external form (look out) is according to my opinion important for the first impression which it evokes in the people. It can either discourage them or draw their attention. In that case it is crucial. Read More

the real competition

By christianityNo Comments

I have been thinking about one particular topic. It is about church and attraction to the people. What is good to do and what is good to avoid etc. I was caught in the context of that all by one blog post from Steven Furtick who started a church in Charlotte NC 6 years ago and so I asked him for permit translate that post to Czech and post it here to my blog…

I got the permit so here it is :-) ….

you can find the original here.