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may your words

dream team

By osobní, personalNo Comments

60-minute documentary about “The Dream Team”. Branded as one of the greatest teams ever assembled in sports history, the 1992 USA Olympic basketball team celebrates their 20th anniversary by sharing their road to the gold.

60-ti minutový dokument o Dream Teamu. Basketbalový olympijský tým USA z roku 1992, který je označován jako jeden z nejlepších sportovních týmů, které kdy byly v historii sportu vytvořeny, tímto dokumentem, který odhaluje jejich cestu ke zlatu, slaví 20 let od svého vzniku. Je to úžasná lekce o tom, že ani nejlepší individuality nemusí vést ke kýženému úspěchu, pokud nepracují dohromady.

unleashbook – review

By christianity, personalNo Comments

This is my today’s review that I wrote on Amazon for the Unleash! The new book written by Perry Noble.

I think that this statement from the end of the book says it all:

“If you are His child, the there’s something He wants you to know: He is able to do far more than you can fathom.”

Perry Noble wrote book full of truth and practical wisdom which anybody can understand and use for their everyday life. We don’t have to stumble but really live when we know who we are and why we are here. This book can help a lot. So why to wait??


do not waste

where we stand
