Skvělá hudba od Stu G, kytaristy z Delirious? Je fakt dobrej!
Objevil jsem docela dobrou zpěvačku, kterou určitě znáte, jelikož je hodně známá a oceňovaná. Strašně se mi líbí její normální styl a emoce a energii, kterou do toho dává a na nic si nehraje. To je v téhlé době třeba a je vidět, že to lidi táhne…
I just found quite good singer who you know for sure because she is known a lot and honored with awards. I love her normal style, emotions and the energy that she gives to singing and that she is not overacting anything. It is needed these days and you can see that it attracts people…
Kazatel sboru Willow Creak Bill Hybels mluví s Bonem o tom, co by měla církev změnit… je to velice podnětné video… mrkněte na to a posuďte sami…
The senior pastor of the Willow Creak Church Bill Hybels talks to Bono about the stuff that the church should change… it is very inspiring video… check it out and judge it yourself…
We have decided last spring that we are going to make rehearsal room for us musicians in Betanie (that’s our church name) in the basement of the house where we live.
We did plans, we threw out budget, we let the gas pipes changed, we let the new electrical wires done, we bought some material to silence the room, we painted there, we cleared it…
… and then we lost the breath??