Dnes jsem jel na kontrolní den na stavbu do Prahy vlakem. Vycházelo slunce a lesklo se mi v okně. Zkusil jsem to zachytit… u toho mě napadlo to, že často vidíme věci jen z části a přesto děláme hluboké závěry, vidíme jen odraz, ale myslíme si, že se díváme na originál. Nenechme se zmást a hledejme zdroj. Nezůstaňme u odrazu, ale hledejme to, díky čemu odraz vidíme…
I went by train to check the site to Prague today. The sun was rising and was reflecting in my window. I have tried to took the picture of it… I have realized by doing that we see many times things just partly but we do final decisions ispite of that, we see just the reflection but we think that we see the original. Let us not be fooled but search for the source. Don’t stay by the reflection but search for the thing thanks to which we can see th reflection…
The things that we leave unprotected in normal environment rust. They can even be it the building with roof. But it is the same situation as we would leave them outside when the building is not finished. This particular part of some process equipment was left in the unfinished building. Under the roof but unfinished though. Three years left their marks.
It is the same in our lives. We are inspired with something, we are in the good track, it is moving forward, but when we are not well prepared sooner or later our strengths are gone and we don’t finish that task. Our efforts and time are wasted and what we built will rust.
Luke 14:28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you,30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’
Let us be wise and count well the costs but on the other hand let not bound the Holy Spirit by our works though He might lead us to the things that we do not have counted…
According to the scriptures from Bible mentioned below I assume that the stuff I do should have some sort of quality. I don’t do tham just for fun. But I don’t do them for myself. I don’t do them even for the parents. I don’t do them for my bos at work at all. I don’t do them for my wife.
They should have quality because I do them because of God. Because of what He did for me. Because of the knowledge that I’ve been saved. Because of that evrything I have comes from Hi. I will not hide. I will not make any excues. I will confess everything once. What my results will be?
1.Cor 10:31 … so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God…
Col 3:23-24 … work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ…
Three following scriptures from Bible really got me. Our Christianity, our life style with God should have something extra. Something that nobody and nothing else could offer. Something that is not seen that much on the first sight but sooner or later it is revealed. We need God’s power. Power of the Holy Spirit. His fullness.
Without it we are just another ordinary group of people which comes together and sings together and listens to interesting information but that’s it.