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15 minutes v. 4 hours

By christianity, workNo Comments


I was sent by my company last week ( – 15th. Oct. 2010) to training seminar about leading projects, time management and etc. The funy thing about it is the connection to other meeting where I was this Tuesday (19th. Oct. 2010). The meeting took just about 15 minutes and was placed in Prague, so I spent on the way about 4 hours. We didn’t solve anything at the end, because the decision about the conclusions has to be made by our company leaders.

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cold at church

By christianity, personalNo Comments

Today we had at our church worship service about 10°C because somebody forgot to turn on the radiators. This brought me to the thought if I do not want too much…

There many believing Christians all over the world who would give much for cold church building in the midst of a free country. The do not have any of that but in spite of their bad circumstances their faith is not shaking rather the opposite. They are persecuted, they are hiding, their relatives and friends are in the prison, they are threaten with death but nevertheless they still believe. The need taught them to put the priorities in the right order.

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church planting

how much??

owner v. memeber

By christianityNo Comments

I was touched by one thought of one preacher from USA named Perry Noble in the resent time. They are changing totally the concept of membership in their church because of that thought. The do not have members any more, they have owners.

The members have rights but the owners have responsibility. It is very revolutionary and I really like it, because I think so that bigger things start happen when we start to realize more about our responsibility for the church we are going to. Most of the time we have our responsibility in the place were we have our heart and that is important…