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cure obese people or feed the hungry

By February 23, 2011July 15th, 2011osobní

Svět má dilema: Léčit obézní, nebo nakrmit hladové? :: Ekonomika :: ČT24

The above mentioned article from Czech TV got my attention today. The results in the discussion on Facebook are clear – you should definetely feed the hungry. I totally agree with that but o the other hand I have to say that we have to teach the hungry ones how to take care for themselves. The rich countries should not shut up the hungry people by putting the food into their mouths – it happens and it doesn’t help.

You can see it in Somalia and all around the Afrika. People get used to help very quickly and then they wait just with outstretched arms. Yes I can take themoney from the cure programs for obese people and give it to the starving ones but I guess that it is not going to change anything.

It is necessary to invest to the starving people more that just the money for their food. It is necessary to teach them how to grow the groceries on their own. Yes they might need help on the beginning but as time goes they might be able to manage it themselves for sure. This is th only effective way and the director of Adra who was asked in the article points in the same direction.

What is your perspective?

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